Words Matter (Part 2): Redefining Accountability

Those who attempt to blur the lines regarding cybersecurity capabilities should be very afraid. On October 6th, 2021, Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco announced a new Civil Cyber-Fraud initiative, bringing a new legal tool to hold “government contractors who...

Words Matter (Part 1): Unveiling the Illusion of Protection

Imagine installing a new home security system that includes cameras, door alarms, window alarms, and maybe even one of those new robots that patrol your house. If someone breaks into your home, the system captures the intruder. If it aims at the entry point the...

Webinar: Misconceptions and Pitfalls of Runtime Security

Take a deep dive into Linux runtime security with Vali Cyber’s CTO & Cofounder, Austin Gadient, and the Head of Threat Intelligence, Nathan Montierth as they provide insights into open-source tools that can enhance security measures and facilitate testing....

TAG 2023 Security Annual: Special Reprint Edition

Revisit Vali Cyber® CTO Austin Gadient’s interview with TAG Infosphere in this special reprint edition, accompanied by thought-provoking insights from TAG Infosphere CEO and Founder, Dr. Edward Amoroso, on navigating the intricate realm of AI in business, coupled with...

The Urgent Need for Effective Cybersecurity in Healthcare

The Urgent Need for Effective Cybersecurity in Healthcare In today’s digitized world the healthcare sector has witnessed an unprecedented transformation, with electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and IoT medical devices becoming integral parts of...

Joint Webinar with Swimlane: Linux Security That Actually Works

Discover the seamless collaboration between ZeroLock and Swimlane as we delve into a comprehensive exploration of our joint capabilities in this webinar, “Linux Security That Actually Works.” Join Mark Vankempen, Swimlane Sr. Director of Automation Technology and Gary...

Ransomware in the Education Sector

Over recent years, unrelenting cyber-attacks bombard the education sector. As a result of the pandemic, the shift to remote learning environments created an attractive target out of organizations within higher education. The education sector reported the highest rates...